Louis Theroux: Shooting Joe Exotic在线观看

Louis Theroux: Shooting Joe Exotic


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This special sees Louis travel to America to investigate the story of a man who has become one of the most controversial and captivating icons of recent times: the gun-toting, self-described '*** hillbilly' and 'Tiger King' Joe Exotic.


Nightwing 2023-05-29

二十年前**做片子就忽略了Saville的罪行,这次他不但错过了虎王的罪,还错失了一部电视大片的商机,这部片子算是他缓解沮丧、自我反省的疗愈之作。显然他也会受采访对象的*响(can I have a hug?!),几个职业道德**的摆拍桥段(让Baskin两人看虎王威胁她的视*)貌似是对奈飞网红剧的讽刺。**的超能力是在短时间内与平凡人建立互信,但凡狂妄自恋的疯子都可能反过来利用、榨**的沟通才华。